Skewers and peppers on the grill.. The peppers were supposed to go on the skewers too, but I cut them too small. They kept breaking when I would put them on the skewer, so we just cooked them on the side!
The finished product
Homemade pasta salad and super sweet tea! I know I've shown y'all my Kate Spade bowls before, but I just LOVE them. My little Ashton got them for me. I use them ALL THE TIME!
We have been pretty productive this weekend. Yesterday I went all over creation. I drove to Paris, Kentucky to get my hair done. Then, I made a quick trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Hobby Lobby (aka two of my favorite stores). I had a field day y'all! I purchased some new table linens and napkin rings. When I get something in my head, I am bound and determined to do everything possible to achieve/obtain it. Yesterday I started thinking about how I would decorate a dining room when I get a house.. you know, because that is so high on my priority list right now (especially considering I don't even own a house LOL). My maw maw Ellen has collected me a full set of blue and white dishes that she is giving me when I do finally move into a home of my own. I am obsessed with them. I didn't put china on my wedding registry when we got married because I knew I wanted those dishes in my dining room china cabinet. Speaking of the china cabinet, Tyler's mom is giving us the dining room set that his dad bought for her many years ago. It makes me so happy to think that everything in my dining room will have some sort of sentimental meaning. That stuff just melts my butter y'all! I decided to go on pinterest for some inspiration, and boy did I find it! Click here to check out some of the looks I hope to achieve in my dining room some day. I'm thinking navy walls, dark wood furniture, blue and white dishes, and (hopefully) some white wainscoting!
All of this wishful thinking and designing started last week when Tyler surprised me with a blue and white flower pot. He was out after work, saw it in a store, and thought of me. How sweet! I thought about planting a live house plant in it, but I didn't for two reasons. One being that I unfortunately did not inherit my mother and grandfather's green thumb, and the other reason being Scruffy. She eats any flowers she can get ahold of LOL Plus, it is so risky because I don't know for sure what plants could hurt her if she would ingest them. I decided my best option was to do artificial flowers, so I went out to the garage and dug through the box of wedding decorations I saved from our reception. JACKPOT! Look what I made..
My grandmother would be proud. Of course, this is nothing like the work she can do. I just stuck some hydrangeas in a flower pot LOL I wish I could make arrangements like she does! Maybe someday.. Also, you can see the navy silk napkins and silver napkin rings I bought at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They were in the clearance section for 99 cents a piece! I got eight total to put in my dining room some day.. always gotta be thinking ahead LOL
Today has also been productive but not nearly as fun as yesterday. Ty hit shag balls this morning while I cleaned up the house and did laundry. I brought in our winter wreath and hung up the UK one. I also traded out our matt on the front porch to the UK one. We are now ready for March Madness at the Adkins household! Ty took my car to get it cleaned (inside and out.. what a sweetie!) and to fill it up with gas. After we had dinner, we both sat down to do homework. I just finished up, but he is still going strong. Scruffy is currently snoring in her little bed. LOL I hope everyone has a great week and thanks for stopping by. Until next time.. Take care!