Rewind to almost two months ago when the church announced its upcoming fall study groups one Sunday morning. One study in particular peaked my interest: The Covenant. It is a 24 week long Bible Study that meets for an hour a week to really dive deep into The Bible, particularly The Old Testament. I remember telling Ty I wanted to join that study group. A few Sundays later, they announced that sign ups for the study groups would be in the gathering hall, and we could sign up after church that day.
This is so typically me. I make these grand plans, and when it comes time to follow through, I come up with some excuse or reason why I should just stay home and relax (a.k.a. do nothing). By the end of the service that day, I had already found a dozen reasons why I shouldn't sign up for a study group. The main one being that I am somewhat introverted when it comes to people I don't know very well. Although I have been going to this same church for awhile now, it is very large, and I don't know anyone really well yet. Another excuse was my schedule. I'm on rotations that are in five week intervals, and I don't know what my hours will be at each new rotation. With a 24 week long study, my schedule would be fluctuating several times. I shouldn't risk making a commitment that I can't follow through, right? Right.
I had already talked myself out of joining a study group when Dr. Holland said something along the lines of, "You all really need to consider signing up for these study groups. Don't let not knowing anyone stop you. This is how you get to know people!" Do you know those moments when you think to yourself, "I know that was for me." I just knew at that moment God was giving me a sign. After the service I made my way to the gathering hall where the sign up tables were. I saw a study group for women only called The Best Yes, which was located beside The Covenant sign up. I stood in front of the two contemplating which one would be the best for me. I ended up going with The Best Yes, and I am so glad I did. It amazes me how God gives us exactly what we need even when we don't know exactly what it is we need just yet.
Now, to the whole reason I am writing this blog post. I try to live my life in a way that I feel would be pleasing to The Lord. I feel that is what every Christian tries to do; however, we are made of flesh, and we are all sinners. I do the best I can. That does not mean I never get mad/upset/sad or do/say things that make others mad/upset/sad. I have been having a tough time here lately y'all. I miss my hometown so much, and I feel like my schedule is so demanding right now. I wake up at 5:00AM every morning, leave my house by 5:40AM, drive an hour to work, work from 7:00-3:30, drive an hour home, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen, pack my and Ty's lunches for the next day, shower, then go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. It is exhausting! I have also been letting a lot of silly things get to me lately that I need to let go for my own sake.
Ya'll, I feel sorry for Tyler. I truly do. I have been both a Negative Nancy and a Debbie Downer lately. I've been harboring feelings in, and I just know that one day the flood gates will open and release an emotional outburst. Hey, I never claimed to be perfect! I try to keep telling myself, "Courtney, your thoughts affect your mood, your mood affects your actions, and your actions affect others." I have been praying about this lately. I've been praying for God to help me be a better and more forgiving person, to not hold grudges, and to rid me of bad/negative thoughts. Do you ever have those "aha!" moments where you just know God is hearing your prayers? I do.
My first study group session assignment was to read chapters 1-3 of The Best Yes. After the first chapter, I related to the author on so many levels. She is anxious. She is a people pleaser. She is indecisive. She can't tell people no due to a fear of disappointing them or seeming like she can't do it all. I'm thinking, "Did I write this book?!" Then I remember there is no way I would have time to write a book with my schedule right now. LOL Speaking of time, this book focuses a lot on how you spend your time. The author explains how women feel pressure to be all things to all people, but what happens when that woman needs to take some time to care for herself? If we give ourselves until we are all used up, there is nothing else left to give. We have to take care of ourselves so we can continue to take care of others. We have to learn to say no to things we don't have time for to make more time for important things like spending time with family, friends, and most importantly, God. If we can say no to pointless things or mundane, unimportant tasks, we can make time to say yes to what God has planned for us - our Best Yes. I feel joining this study group is one of my "best yeses." I was going to use my hectic schedule as a way to talk myself out of joining this study group, but God had other plans for me! I'm so glad I made the time for this because it has blessed me in more ways than one!
My first study group session assignment was to read chapters 1-3 of The Best Yes. After the first chapter, I related to the author on so many levels. She is anxious. She is a people pleaser. She is indecisive. She can't tell people no due to a fear of disappointing them or seeming like she can't do it all. I'm thinking, "Did I write this book?!" Then I remember there is no way I would have time to write a book with my schedule right now. LOL Speaking of time, this book focuses a lot on how you spend your time. The author explains how women feel pressure to be all things to all people, but what happens when that woman needs to take some time to care for herself? If we give ourselves until we are all used up, there is nothing else left to give. We have to take care of ourselves so we can continue to take care of others. We have to learn to say no to things we don't have time for to make more time for important things like spending time with family, friends, and most importantly, God. If we can say no to pointless things or mundane, unimportant tasks, we can make time to say yes to what God has planned for us - our Best Yes. I feel joining this study group is one of my "best yeses." I was going to use my hectic schedule as a way to talk myself out of joining this study group, but God had other plans for me! I'm so glad I made the time for this because it has blessed me in more ways than one!
"The decisions you make determine the schedule you keep. The schedule you keep determines the life you live. And how you live your life determines how you spend your soul." - Lysa Terkeurst
Now, where was I? Oh, yes, back to the point of this post. With my exhausting schedule and other silly/petty/hurtful nuisances that have popped up in my life in the last few weeks, I have been extra crabby. I haven't been letting my light shine. I have been keeping negative feelings pent up inside. I have prayed about this among other things feverishly. I pray that God will take those bad feelings away and make it easy for me to forgive, forget, and move on.
Y'all will never guess what we talked about this evening in my second study group session: forgiveness. I can't tell you how many times I thought to myself, "Thanks God. I know this is for me." If you wait to forgive someone when you "feel like it," it is never going to happen. You want to know what else we talked about...? We talked about how most of the time when we are upset or hurt by something someone did or said, chances are they aren't even aware of it. So, let's put it all out there. We go around harboring negative thoughts and feelings because we are hurt by something someone may or may not even be aware of. Let me ask you this: who is the one suffering in this situation? I'll tell ya it isn't the person who is blissfully unaware they have done or said something out of the way. Forgiveness is for you.
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." - Mark Twain
I am smart enough to know there are always two sides to every situation, and chances are I have also unintentionally hurt someone without realizing it. If I have done anyone that way, I truly am sorry. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone ever! I look at my relationship with God and his love for me to better understand how to treat others. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us all. Whether you love Him or not, He loves you. He forgives me when I least deserve it. What a friend we have in Jesus! I want to live a life that makes others want to know Him better. How can I do that if my light is dimmed by me letting my emotions get the best of me? I will continue to pray that God will help me every day to be a more understanding and tolerant person and that he will lead me on a path to do His work. We all need to practice active obedience and live the life God wants us to live. We need to nurture our relationship with Him in order to know when we have a "best yes" opportunity. I was going to pass up the opportunity to join a study group because I told myself I was too busy and wouldn't like it because I didn't know anyone. Fortunately I listened to God, and said yes. It has been such a blessing and has helped me so much already! In just two meetings, things that have been weighing heavy on my heart were discussed, and after hearing other ladies' opinions and perspectives, it opened my eyes to my wrongdoings and ways I can change my life for the better just by accepting things I can't change and focusing on the positives in my life. I need to focus on the good in order to let my light shine for others! This study has shown me God has been hearing my prayers!
I had a feeling that I needed to put this all out there (which is something I normally would never do), but I didn't want to ignore that gut feeling. I didn't want to bypass a potential "best yes." If even one person that reads this post needed to hear this little testimony of mine, then this whole post was worth it. I know a common misconception about Christians is that we are 1) perfect or 2) think we are perfect. Neither of those are even close to being true. I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect. I sin every day, but I am forgiven because I am saved by the blood that Jesus shed for me. God has really been working in my life lately because I had some answered prayers and feel His presence. I am so blessed! We serve an awesome God that always gives us what we need!